Search for Registered Trademark – Trademark Search in Chennai

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How do we know the selected trademark is registered or not?

Trademark is this unique identity that will help to create the offer among the intended audience and customers. This is what will make one person successful in the end. An important part of the brand identity will be the trademark. It’s basically the trademark that will help a person identify with the competitors.To get a trademark for the unique brand name and logo, one needs to prepare an application, file it with the relevant trademarks department through the legal attorney along with the original supporting documents and he / she will take care of the registration of the brand name.If that brand has its own originality and the uniqueness of others’ trade names, one can get a certificate of trademark registration soon.Trademarks provide a great opportunity to the marketplace and help the user easily identify the brand. Consumers can identify their favorite brand products or services that are registered with a recognizable symbol or sign.


Trademark search

To know whether the trademark is already registered or not, one should do the trademark search. TM Search provides information and details of any brand name / trademark similar to yours.

It provides brand name / trademark information that may be phonically similar to your brand name / trademark.

  • It provides you with a list of prohibited marks (marks which are prohibited on registration by a private person) so that you can check whether your brand name / trademark is under the list of such prohibited marks.
  • If your brand name has a logo or device, TM Search gives you the same brand name / trademark information and details as your brand name / trademark under the Vienna Code Classification (International Classification of Decorative Elements).

Trademark search refers to any action taken for the purpose of determining whether a trademark and / or trademark is used. Whether the trademark search can be narrow in scope or contain the results of each avenue for trademark protection for each sign is remotely identical to the subject of the search. Appropriate search strategies will take into account the nature of the mark, the quality mark of the goods / services, the timeline for bringing the mark into commerce and the allocation of resources of the applicant.Trademark searches are generally classified as “knock-out searches” or “full searches.” Each type of search is described below.

Knock-out search

The question of whether a “knock-out” search refers to a search of the Federal Trademark Register is likely to fail to secure a trademark registration.

Knock-out search

The Federal Register covers all the marks on the trademark electronic search system database. This includes both marks applied for who have not registered and who have not. It also includes registered marks that have since been cancelled and trademark applications that have been omitted. This database will return the same or closed matches for the trademark that contain the words of the question mark.

Knock-out searches usually include only the search for an icon, and not a closed variation on the sign. For example, if the proposed sign were a lamp company, the searcher would not search for the results of “Lamp Company”, but “lamp store” or “lighting company”, although these signs may conflict with the lamp company due to their proximity. Meaning.

The purpose of the knock-out search

Knockout Search provides the applicant with information on whether a trademark application is likely to fail or whether it is suitable for further search or application. Sometimes a knock-out search is necessary to determine if the proposed mark contradicts the registered mark, and in that case it is useful to rely on that knowledge rather than incur additional costs to advance that mark.

Knockout trademark search does not provide comprehensive results of trademark availability. Therefore, clear knock-out search cannot be relied upon as a predictor of success at the application stage; that it can assure the potential applicant that there is no risk of mark violation.

A no-knock-out search

At Richards Patent L At, we perform a full search or knock-out search before launching trademark applications. Interested customers may also ask for a harder search on a list of potential trademarks to narrow their search for a sign to move forward.

Full search

A full search refers to a search that is the subject of a search covering all avenues for trademark protection in the trademark search system. Search companies use computer software to run this search and categorize the results according to the results closest to the search subject mark. The results are then compiled into a search report containing the required data for each mark cited. This will include features that are similar to the subject mark as well as variations on the subject mark that potentially cover related goods and services. Search reports are usually several hundred pages long. Attorneys then review the results.

Full search area

A thorough search is done on the basis of the trademark system, which is usually broken down in the country. However, some trademark systems provide protection in some countries, such as Harfis for Harmonization (OHIM) in internal ices fees in the European Union. The region of discovery should correspond to the country or countries where the applicant is interested in securing rights.

Within each country, there can be many avenues for trademark protection. These platforms will be included in the search. In the United States, trademark rights may come from the use of federal registrations, state registrations, and general law. The full search results for the United States include the Federal Register, the State Register, and possible sources of common law rights, such as the use of markers on the Internet, registered business names, and domain names.

The results reported for each system of trademark protection will include markings that are similar to or similar to the subject of the search. If the symbol in question is made up of multiple words, the search results will include all special word marks from the symbol.

Hence the trademark search is the first step in the process of trademark registration and we are here to assist throughout the process.